Here's my predictions / hopes at this point:
While it would be cool to have a female prez, and she's probably one smart/tuff cookie, Hills would be a divider on top of the Divider in Chief we have now. B. A. Double D. that spells Clinton.
Mike Huckabee. Scary religious robot. Talks in grandiose ambiguities. No way.
Barack Hussein Obama. Sorry, would divide this country possibly more than HIllary.
Rudy... I don't know. You know he's America's hero and all, but really I don't think he did anything more than ruthlessly clean up NYC.. As far as that goes I think Mayor Mike would be a much more serious Presidential contender. But he's ok I guess. Seems a little insane.
Despite John McCain's refusal to talk about the Iraq War in any other terms besides "Winner" and "Loser", I think he would make a great president because we would all be so BORED STIFF and/or DEPRESSED out of our MINDS we would forget about how bad things really are.
John Edwards. Nope.
Joe Biden's crazy mouth is sure entertaining but maybe too unregulated for PODUS.
This is the UNITER. Hagel is the man. Hasn't announced he's running yet, but hasn't NOT. Clearly the best candidate. To me at least. Fingers crossed.